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The Pen

Clifford’s Poem ©
by Rebecca Case
(For Clifford who physically survived the battles of World War II)

Tunnel in
As deeply as you need
Hide yourself against wintry earth
Feel its coolness
Feel its silence
Say a prayer if you pray .................................................................................................

Remembering Dad ©
by Rebecca Case

The lane leading to the woods is littered with fallen leaves. Rain falls in tapping sounds upon them. I walk along as I have before, but today you are not with me. It makes it different...


The Wooden Screen Door ©
by Rebecca Case

Small hands gently press wire mesh on the old wooden door.
It swings open on creaky hinges. The back porch becomes our launching pad.
Jumping off of concrete steps our feet drum staccato beats upon a worn path.
Our arms stretch into wings as we descend the steep hillside. Almost straight...


Hill William Organics ©
by Rebecca Case

I can still see mom walking down the narrow gravel driveway in pursuit of her goal. Let’s call it her mission. She was foraging, if you will, for a dressed-down alternative akin to a tasty morel. The hems of her skirt swished around her as she walked with determination. My brothers and I knew that whatever she was after, beyond the woods across from the long gravel driveway, had no chance of escaping. After a diligent half hour she’d come walking towards the house with triumphant energy in her steps. We understood the smile that greeted us. We were in for what she considered to be a treat. We responded with closed-mouth smiles accompanied with short sighs of resignation.


Please check back regularly for more original short stories by Rebecca.